Sarah Paton, ND

Sarah Paton, ND

194 Danforth St #3, Portland, ME 04102     207.200.5155


Dr. Sarah Paton practices naturopathic medicine and uses homeopathy as her primary treatment tool with most patients. She also offers nutritional advice, vitamins, supplements, and herbal medicines, along with lab work to assess and monitor her patient’s health and healing progress. She specializes in treatment of anxiety, depression, and digestive disease and has a special interest in homeopathic treatment of brain injury. She has been a speaker on homeopathic treatment for concussion and post-brain injury sequelae at numerous Brain Injury Association of America’s Conferences in both Maine and New Hampshire.

Dr. Paton taught homeopathy and medical science as a faculty member at Baylight Center for Homeopathy in Portland, as well as at The University of Southern Maine’s School of Nursing. She is Past President and current Co-Secretary of the Maine Association of Naturopathic Doctors. She has owned a family medicine clinic since 2008.

She is currently accepting new patients in her home-based practice in Portland.